Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Reality of You

the days slowly go by
one at a time
hour by hour
minute by minute

year by year
and season following season
you are in my heart
you flit in my thoughts

in my dreams
and in my thoughts
you sit there
your hand out for me to hold

the reality of you
is more wonderful than dreams
can suggest

the reality of me
a mere shadow by far
like the day enshrouded by the mists

one day melds into another
i can see you clearly
the day is gone
yet there you are
waiting for me

i reach for you
you hold me close
i wake to the reality
of your strong loving arms around me

the mists fade
you are still with me
day by day
year after year
season following season

i wake to feel you close to me
close to my heart
forever a part of my soul

Monday, November 23, 2009

Dreams, Wishes and Lies

wishing you could be here
with me tonight
to see all the stars in the night sky

it wouldnt be the stars that id be watching
my eyes would be locked on you
full of wonder and love

love for you that might
never be told
wonder that you might
feel the same

AH the dreams that we dream
and the wishes that we make
the lies we tell ourselves

will it all lead us down a sad little path
will it lead me to your arms
will you find your way to me

i dream a dream
i wish a wish
and tell my self lies
just to make it through

a dream of you
a wish for two
a lie to fill my soul

a dream for you
a wish to come true
and a lie that can become the truth

how silly of me to lie to me
but the wish is in my heart
and the dream ....

the dream of two
could be so real
the wish in my heart
that could never be a lie

wishing you could be here this night
dreaming in the night
telling my self it could all be true....