Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Excitement in Learning!

YAY!!! I now meet with a few ladies who are liked minded. It is so nice to have some one to guide my on this rough path i am walking. There have been a few bumps here and there. Not that i'm expecting smooth sailing! It's just so nice to have some one who has 'been there and done that'. If not in the some way, in a very similar way. Some one who has more knowlage in these matters and is willing to share this part of her with me. More practice on my end is needed... I'm getting there around the kidlets. They too are starting to ask questions of their own. There are so many wonderful things and people to look forward to doing/meeting. I want to enjoy and do all that i can!

blessings to all whose feet wonder here

May your path have a bump or two
to help guide your way