Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Adventures of the Little Purple People Eater #1

   There once was  purple people eater with a purple straw.
One day she decided to change her diet to black, thinking that it would taster better then purple.
She tries black lamb, black mojitos, black burritos..... but she couldn't find any black jelly beans.
   so she tried to find something that looked like a jelly bean. After an intense search she found one under the kitchen table.
   Then out came the purple straw...... but the straw wouldn't suck up the jelly bean......
what is wrong with this straw? the little purple people eater asked. She looks carefully at the straw... it's not broken,its big enough to fit the jelly bean.... But  WAIT!! Where did the jelly bean   go???
   She sees little pieces of jelly bean on the floor and starts to follow the trail. she goes out of the kitchen, down to the garden and stops at a giant rock entrance that seemed to appear out of nowhere.
   An entrance out of nowhere... she thinks to her self, I must go through. as she enters the new passageway she sees something shiny. It seems like something big, the reflection is humongous, almost impossible to see!
   As she enters the tunnel more pieces of jelly bean appear! WAIT! Are you sure those tumbling things are jelly beans? Round and round they go falling down, down.... Down a sparkling river of jelly syrup.
She stumbles on something and goes down the hill like a canoe, Eating every jelly bean that gets in her way.
   After eating all the jelly beans the little purple people eater wants to DANCE!  

written by Dark Diva and the Light Hearted Angel 

Monday, January 26, 2009

ok... more about people... ok... MEN... sigh

so you meet a new person on line... yeah i know.... that's the 1st mistake  ...
But in all fairness not everybody is a JERK. You can meet nice people all around the world. I have...
That being said .... I have also met the  bottom of the barrel .

Is there some unwritten rule that says its ok for men to want to see you naked ? i mean you don't know this person and haven't spoken to them, ever!! The first thing they say to women is " I want to see your boobs"   HELLO!!! yeah lets start with that and maybe how are you??  NO lets just jump in there and get to the sex talk!  Never mind talk lets just have sex on line... NP we don't know each other   .... go for it!

What if Id actually like to talk to you.... maybe get to know you. What if I don't want to you touch me.... doesn't matter how far away you live! Just because he thinks he is the gods gift to life doesn't mean the rest of the world sees him  in the same light....  he might have the great body and all... he might think he is great when it comes to sex.... but can he preform?? and does he have what it takes to really satisfy a woman??? a REAL woman....??? and then to keep her he actually needs a personality!!!  

ok... yes I'm ranting!  it just gets to me that still women are little sex objects....just there to please the 'man' . 
and YES not all men are like this , it just seems to be about 3/4 men are..... just so sad ....

ok.... i think I'm done... feeling better now.... sigh

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

what is it with people?????

i can't believe how we let others treat us....
what is wrong with men out there....
what is wrong with women that let men treat them like.....
i dont think i have ever disliked men or women as much as i do right now tonight!!!

ok.... lets go to where this all started.... S I G H

a couple of couples that i know are in this spot of treating each other badly.... at least treating each other with out respect... or tenderness....
why does one get to snap their fingers and the other one jump to do their bidding.....
by what right does one get to isolate the other.... from family, friends and other loved ones?????
why does one have to leave behind their identity to please another person.... 
why does one have leave behind who they are and could grow to be to please another person....

I feel that im going crazy with these thoughts...

you know how in shows and movies people join cults and are slowly  taken away from family and friends???  well .... im watching this happen to a friend.... except its in a marriage...!

why cant it be more like what my hubby and i have???
ok.... no we dont have a perfect marriage.... no one does.
we have trust... respect and we still get to be individuals in a couple... 
i can talk to people and do my own things.... we are not one person.... 
we are still 2 people with in a couple!!!!

what makes a man have the need to dominate the woman in his life....
and why does she let him???
i am so not understanding this.....
is he that insecure and is she that needy?
or are those even the right questions???

it all makes me wanna scream.... !!!!

ok... im past ranting now..... mostly thanks to my hubby who lets me rant on till im done! <3
thank you love :D