There are so many thoughts and ideas running through me brain right now. Most i have talked over with my Husband... but they still seem to plague me. This is not really a bad thing...
Time lines.... is it possible to live more then one? Is that what deja 'vu s are... glimpse of another time line you have already been through? Are you supposed to do something different, say something that might change the out come of a situation? OR did you already do or say something to change the out come and this is a check point ?
And then there are the dreams that are so real that you don't realise you are dreaming until you wake up. different time line? maybe Past or future life times??
Then I wonder about the people in my life or that i have met for Brief moments in time...
What about the people that it feels like we have known them for ever... but we just met. Were we connected some how in a past life or a alternate timeline? what about the people that we have an instant attraction to? or an instant dislike for? If it is feelings from a past life or different time line ... why do these feeling carry through? shouldn't we all start fresh? Are we supposed to reconnect with these people (souls) for a reason? are we supposed to learn something from them? are they supposed to learn something from us?
Its all more then enough to make ones head spin!
This is one of the thoughts, ideas that runs like a crazy person through my head.
The other is the 'What if'.
We all seem to play the What If game. 'What if I did B instead of A?'
Would everything have been different in our lives. Or would we still be where we are today?
I know i have many What IF points of my life. What if i would have stood up to my Dad? What if i would have dated person R instead of person S? Would I have still met person J? How different would life be now?
Could have, should have, would have, didnt... i guess we are where we are in life for a reason. Here we sit... wondering what lesson we are supposed to learn from the different events in our lives. Do we learn our lessons or do we come back to try it all again....
yeah... im thinking its an intrestingly scary place inside my head!
Brightest Bessings to all!